Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, September 30, 2005

It's the WEEKEND!!!

Hope this finds everyone well and ready for a fun weekend! Isn't the sunflower pretty? Devlon brought it to me on our first date....I know, I'm a nerd for taking a picture of it! Sunflowers just don't dry or keep well, so I thought a picture would last longer! :)

Anyways, it makes me smile, so I thought I would pass the smiles on to everyone else! Have a relaxing and blessed weekend with your family and friends!

My Article!!

Some of you may remember the article that ran in the Dallas Morning News in February featuring child life specialists. I was one of the specialists that the writer followed and this wonderful article was published!! I shelled out the big bucks (as did my parents.....thanks so much for your help!) to get it framed. My Mom said I should........that I would appreciate it at some point in my life and it would be a neat thing to have.

So I started researching frame shops that specialized in news print. Apparently they advise against framing news print, rather they prefer it copied onto cotton paper that won't fade. So $80 later JUST to copy the article, I agreed that it did look much nicer. We also opted for the "floating" matting (if you look real close you can tell the separate boxes for the article....the small white line you see is actually the floated mat separating the article from the base matting. We also opted for some fancy glass that prevents sunlight from impacting the print, la la la. I never knew there were so many options!

So it is in my possession and BEAUTIFUL! It is also rather large, so I am having a hard time finding a place for it. I will be playing around this weekend with wall space, but for now, it will be safe and sound leaning against a wall!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Many of you know that my 30th birthday is fast approaching......much to my dismay! My Mom has planned a fun trip to Vegas to help celebrate! It will be a girls weekend, with my Mom and Tricky! I am so excited.....I've never been and I can hear the slot machines calling my name! Somehow, I could sit at the slots for hours and then when I get up wonder where all my money went so fast! Maybe I'll will a million dollars this trip.......wouldn't that be nice!

Below is a link to the hotel we are staying at. Hoping to go see 'O' by Cirq de soliel (did I even spell that right?) or maybe just catch a fun show somewhere. Should be fun! I better find some money between now and then!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Weekend at Home!

Ahhh, how nice a weekend feels without having to travel! Sometimes it is nice to just stay at home! This weekend was busy.......Friday night had dinner with my friend Treasure and planned for her birthday extravaganza next weekend. Saturday, Devlon and I went to Rockwall to the birthday party of 2yo Mazie.......the daughter of one of his best friends from A&M. 2yo kids are so darn cute! Sunday we cleaned his house.........well, he did yard work and I did housework (sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc). Then we cooked dinner and settled in for some EXCELLENT sunday night TV! So excited the shows are back on!

So sad that it is Monday.......although our forecast is calling for cooler weather starting Wed night......I am so happy to have fall weather! The high on Thursday is supposed to be in the 70's. I LOVE FALL AND WINTER!!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Taken from Mrsg

The Fool Card
You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins
the journey into the unknown. To do this, he
does not regard the world he knows as firm and
fixed. He has a seemingly reckless disregard
for obstacles. In the Ryder-Waite deck, he is
seen stepping off a cliff with his gaze on the
sky, and a rainbow is there to catch him. In
order to explore and expand, one must disregard
convention and conformity. Those in the throes
of convention look at the unconventional,
non-conformist personality and think What a
fool. They lack the point of view to understand
The Fool's actions. But The Fool has roots in
tradition as one who is closest to the spirit
world. In many tribal cultures, those born with
strange and unusual character traits were held
in awe. Shamans were people who could see
visions and go on journeys that we now label
hallucinations and schizophrenia. Those with
physical differences had experience and
knowledge that the average person could not
understand. The Fool is God. The number of the
card is zero, which when drawn is a perfect
circle. This circle represents both emptiness
and infinity. The Fool is not shackled by
mountains and valleys or by his physical body.
He does not accept the appearance of cliff and
air as being distinct or real. Image from: Mary

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I Passed!

Many of you will remember my training and testing a took last month thru work.....called the NCAST training. We got the results yesterday and I passed! Yay! If you are really interested, below is a detailed account of the "screening tool" and how I will be using it with infants/toddlers and their caregivers.

The Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training (NCAST) feeding and teaching scales are a measurement of caregiver-child interaction. The Barnard Model (1976), the conceptual framework supporting NCAST, is based on the assumption that caregivers and infants have certain responsibilities to maintain positive interactions. In the interaction between the caregiver and infant (sometimes referred to as "the dance"), each responds and reacts to the other, adapting his or her behavior to accommodate or modify the other's behavior. In cases where there is an interference in the adaptive behavior either from the caregiver (e.g. lack of knowledge, illness, stress, depression) or infant (e. g. drug exposed, physical conditions), the interaction is likely to be maladaptive putting the infant at risk for infant mental health disorders (e.g. non-organic failure to thrive).

The NCAST feeding and teaching scales were developed around six constructs of caregiver-child interaction. Four constructs pertain to the caregiver: sensitivity to cues, response to distress, socio-emotional growth fostering, and cognitive growth fostering. The two sub-scales pertaining to the child are clarity of cues and responsiveness to the caregiver. Both scales have demonstrated strong internal consistency and test-retest reliability for the caregiver and child total scores, and for most sub-scales. There is also predictive validity of caregiver total scores with later child cognitive tests, supporting the use of the tools to promote early infant brain development.

Fun stuff.......makes me feel like I know more than I really do!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Wedding Bells

So I have returned from Houston and quite pleased to be away from the humidity! Got to see where Josh and the future Tracy Pipes are having their rehearsal dinner. Click on the link to see....

It is very cute, rustic and relaxed! Should be lots of fun for all involved! The visit was great, short and sweet! Josh and Tracy cooked a fab dinner Sat night of homemade lasagna, cesar salad (with homemade dressing and croutons) all topped off with a nice bottle of wine. Kobe was very happy to see me and BEGGED me to move her to Dallas. I'm sure Josh and Tracy would send out a search party for her, but she was darn cute and lovable. We also had a good visit with Devlon's friends and they boys had fun at Gator Fest. Got some good football in....Tech with a SLAM against Sam Houtson state 80 to 20 and A&M with a good win as well! Can't wait for the fall weather to kick in.

I decided I need to start working out. Devlon has a friend who has a treadmill he isn't using and will let me have it. It is a HUGE fancy one and won't look so pretty in my house, but hey, it should motivate me just sitting there! Must look pretty and cute for wedding pictures in April! I should also start back to the dreaded points........after payday I will make a trek to the grocery store! Fun times.............

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Happy Weekend!

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy weekend! I am heading to Houston tomorrow after work with Devlon........we have a busy weekend planned. Midnight BBQ with his college friends Fri night, some college ball in the morning/early afternoon and then "the guys" are heading to Gator Fest. Then I get to head over to Sugarland and hang with Josh and the future Tracy Pipes until Sunday! So excited to see NOT excited about the drive. Have a good one!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Go Jeff!!

My high school/college friend Jeff is competing in a triathlon this weekend in San Antonio....called the "Sea World Splash Triathlon". Check out his blog

to see all the the training work he has been doing! I am impressed and quite motivated......though you will never see this girl compete in anything ending in the letters "on". Aerobics, yes.......triathlon/marathon...NO! Anyways, he has been working hard and training hard! So in honor of your race, I found these quotes....

"Multisport without the swim is like a date without the sex."

Good luck this weekend, wish I could help cheer you on! Can't wait to read your blog to see the results and see some pictures!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Back in the Saddle

So tonight I started back to BSF..........Bible Study Fellowship. This year we are studying Genesis, which should be interesting. I don't know much about the Old Testament, so hopefully I can keep up and learn some good information. I need to keep up with my lessons this year, and not put it off until the last minute. This will be my 4th year, and every year at the beginning I need help finding motivation. It seems overwhelming, though throughout the year I learn so much! I think I have a good group of girls, but we shall see how we all mesh. Anyways! Happy Tuesday to all!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Shout Out

Shout out to Coach Grimes! Thanks for helping me add links and my profile picture to this blog! It makes it much more appealing! You rock my world!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is my Dad's birthday.........59 years young! I have been blessed with such a wonderful father. He deserves a wonderful birthday!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Daddy
Happy Birthday to you!

I love you, wish I was there to help you celebrate
Love, Tracy

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

When to say When

When does a person decide to "let go" of a friendship that has been an important part of their life for 6+ years?

This comment has been weighing heavily on my mind and heart for the last few weeks. The short story is that one of my best friends (from graduate school) and I have had some major changes in our friendship. I think it is safe to say that most friendship have changes.......some for the better and some for the worse. In this instance, it happened around a new boy that was in her life. My single friend became my attached friend......who rightly so spent more time with her new boy. At the time, I had no boy and yes, was sad about my single status.......wondering when it was my turn. She was shielding me from her new life so it didn't hurt my feelings, and I didn't ask much about her new life and boy because she didn't let me know she was ready to share it. Lots of miscommunication and hurt feelings we are, struggling to keep a friendship afloat that I am not sure should or will stay afloat.

It is hard for me to decide that a friendship is or should be over. Do I want her in my life? Yes, with all my heart. Will it ever be the same? No......but sometimes growing pains produces the best friendships. She used to be my BSF (bible study) buddy, and has since decided not to do that. This was a weekly time that we spent that was valuable to our relationship. Right now, neither one of us knows anything about our lives. The few things I have mentioned about Devlon, she I am not making responsible decisions. The tougher part is that we work together, in the same department and office. Others have noticed that "Shawna and Tracy" just aren't the same and made comments. It makes for awkward office time.

I have made several attempts to reach out, invite to dinner, invite to meet Devlon and she has turned down every one with out offering any other times to get together. I made one last ditch effort and sent her a card, telling her I miss her and that we need to catch up. So we are supposed to have dinner next week. I don't want it to turn into a blaming session, but I feel it will happen. She makes me feel like she has done no wrong and this all sits on my plate.

My friends are my backbone (along with my family). I wouldn't be who I am today without their unending support and companionship. Keep me in your thoughts as I deal with this......

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labor Day Expense!

So this past weekend I discovered another *joy* of owning a home. Monday morning my parents left to head back home and Bethany and I headed to the Crate and Barrell Outlet Store. After a bit of shopping, I dropped her off at a hotel to meet her professor (who she drove down with from MO). Upon arriving home to my nice air conditioned house, I put my key in the lock and watched the key spin and spin. Never did it once pretend to catch my deadbolt and unlock my door. Apparently something internal broke. Mind you, when I moved in I had this lock it was less than 2 years old! After a few minutes of me praying my key would catch, then Devlon meeting me with his key to my house and him doing the same thing (I was just imagining the lock laughing at me) I called my new rich friend, Mattie the Locksmith. For a steal (at least that is what he said!) he could drill the lock out and have me in my house, safe and sound. $175 later, ta da! I am in. Had to clean up the mess myself, apparently a cleaning fee was not included in the $175 price quote. Then $20 later and a new deadbolt from Home Depot, my door was back in tact, working beautifully. Oh the joys of being a homeowner! Hope Mattie got a good commission on that job! Of course he wanted cash, but seriously, who carries $175 bucks around? Not this girl!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Busy Weekend!

This weekend in shaping up to be a busy (but fun-filled) weekend! Melissa, Ben and the girls will be visiting (my best friend and hubby), my parents will be here, sister decided to drive in with a professor, Josh and Tracy will be in Fort Worth for a wedding, Devlon has some friends that will be in town, my friend Treasure is having people over on Sunday AND it is the first A&M game Saturday night! Not sure how we are going to fit it all in, but it will be fun! Devlon is cooking for my family on Sunday. Looks like we will be burning up the roads of Dallas this weekend!

As everyone else is stating, the victims of Katrina have been on my mind. I can't seem to wrap my little brain around the devastation these people are facing. I can't even fathom what it must be like. Please consider a donation to the red cross! Happy Labor Day, and looking at this post reminds me of how blessed I am with friends and family.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm a bad shot.....

So today was a day of fun with guns. Yes, you read that right! I went to Bass Pro Shop with Devlon and did some shooting at their shooting range. I shot a 45 pistol and a 9mm handgun. Both of them scared the crap out and me and Devlon thought it was funny. He is a good and patient much to learn about the stance, aiming, shooting, holding the gun, handling the kick, etc. He could tell when I was frusturated when I missed the targets. I think I shot 2 rounds with the pistol and a couple of clips with the handgun, and maybe a handful of those shots made it on the target! Granted I only shot a 10ft distance. Apparently I anticipate the kick of the shot and pull the gun either down and to the left or up towards the left. Even when I missed, the area of the shots were consistent. I kept one of the shells from the pistol that made it closest to the bullseye. Uncle Kirk, you should be proud! I need some serious practice with just shooting and handling the gun, but it was a pretty awesome feeling. Next up..........rifle shooting!!! Scary thought, huh? :)

Off to see Jason Boland and the Stragglers. Should be fun and HOT. Cody Canada (lead singer of Cross Canadian Ragweed) had a baby boy this week.....Dirks Cobain Canada. Babies everywhere!