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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mugsy Lou Ann

Mugsy had to be put to sleep last week. Her back legs finally gave out. She couldn't walk anymore or even go to the bathroom outside. I cried for an hour when I heard and am dreading going home to a house without her next weekend. I know it was hard on my Dad to take her and say good-bye while he loved on her and told her what a great dog she was. I know it is hard on my parents to not hear her in the house "talking" for treats, snoring, letting them know when it is time for dinner, seeing her empty bed and just feeling her presence.
But, it was time for her to go. She was too physically sick to live a happy life. We loved her so much while she was here. SO much. She was a spoiled dog who never met a stranger and put up with all our crazy halloween costumes, silly collars, and funny dog voices. She was the greatest dog ever and blessed us more than she will ever know. Isn't it crazy to think a dog can bring people so much happiness? And so much sadness when they are gone?