Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mama's big boy

We went yesterday for Cass' 2mo check-up. Here are the stats:

Weight: 13lbs 1oz
Length: 23 1/4 inches
He is in the 75% percentile for height, weight and head circumference.

Doc says he looks great and is clearly thriving. He has had some drainge in his right eye, either a clogged tear duct or a viral bug. Doc suggested breast milk in the eye for a few days. It has already started to clear on it's own, so we are going to watch it for a few more days before we do breastmilk drops. He had to get 3 shots, which made me cry. It was terrible to hear his cry.....a much different cry than we have EVER heard. He was pretty fussy most of yesterday probably because of those nasty shots.

We also moved him to his nursery last night. He didn't sleep as well as he has been, but I am hoping it was related to the shots. He has (for 6days in a row) been sleeping from 10:30-6:30. Last night he was up about every 3.5 hours to eat. But, he is in his big boy crib and looks cozy! It wasn't as hard on me as I thought, but I did have a hard time falling asleep because he was "so far" away.

Well, he is down for a nap (I hope!). I am off to work on a few things around the house.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cass is napping....

And what am I doing? No, not folding the laundry, emptying the dishwasher, vacuuming the living room or tackling the pile of clothes in my closet. I am ordering Cass's Easter Basket and fun bathroom bag from Pottery Barn Kids. I had a merchandise credit, so I didn't spend a ton of money. But, I know those Easter Baskets are hot commodities so I thought I would order it now. The blue gingham liner is on back order until Jan 30th. The bathroom bag I thought was so cute and will be nice for out of town trips to have all his things in one little bag.

Hmm, wonder what else I can find to order? :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

6 week check-up

I had my 6 week check up with my OB last week! I have officially lost 30lbs.....whoo hoo! Easiest way I ever lost 30lbs thats for sure! By the time I had Cass, I was at my pre-pregnancy weight, so actually losing more weight after his birth was a big bonus.

Everything looked good as far as my c-section wound/scar, etc. I got the go ahead to start exercising, so I started walking with Cass. I also did my 2 hour glucose test to ensure the diabetes was gone.........and it is! My levels were actually on the low end of normal, so that was good news.

Hmm, the OB did a "annual exam", which I wasn't prepared for, but oh well. We also discussed the options available to not have another child until we are ready........seeing as how I am breastfeeding. She is pretty liberal about what she feels is safe and I am more guarded, so we haven't reached a consensus yet. TMI, I'm sure......but hey, that's life! :) Oh, and the OB says Cass looks just like his Daddy.......which is what I am beginning to hear more and more. Must be that hair he has, I think it throws people off and all they see is Devlon.

Some Firsts......

I thought I would blog about a few firsts we have had with Cass!! We took our first road the ranch so Devlon could hunt. Cass did pretty well considering we were out of our routine and in strange surroundings. He slept pretty well at night but was more fussy during the day. He let us know that after about 3 hours in the car seat, he is done. We had to listen to him cry while we were following someone to the ranch and it broke my heart. He only cried for about 10 minutes, but it was terrible! I wanted to scoop him up and love on him! If we had been driving solo, we would have pulled over and rescued him. Anyways, he is getting so big! We weighed him today at my Mom's work and he was 12lbs 10oz. Granted he had just eaten, but still! Some of his 3mo footed sleepers are getting too tight at the feet. He is obviously eating well and breastfeeding is going great. I am pumping once a day to get our freezer stocked for my return to work in late February. He is getting more social and alert......watching much more in his environment. It is fun to see him concentrate on our faces, lights, etc.

He is sleeping well at night........not consistently thru the night but enough to say we are headed that way! Last night was another 9 hour night of sleep. We decided to keep him in our room in his bassinet until our 2mo pediatrician appt, which is Jan 30th. After that he will be up in his nursery. It will be so hard to not have him so close, but we don't want him to get used to being in our room. He is starting to like bath time more now that we are using a baby bathub and not the sponge that he laid on.

He is a snuggle bug and loves to be held. He will hang out in the swing or bouncy seat for a while, and then cries to be held. My favorite time is rocking him after his last feed when he snuggles his face against my neck and I can feel him breathing. So sweet! He has started to give us a few smiles outside of the gas smiles. He is holding his head up so well and is bearing weight on his legs. I can't believe how much he has changed since we brought him home from the hospital. Well, enjoy the pics......I am headed to bed!

Decked out in camo at the ranch!

Cute onesie in honor of my Dad........who calls Cass "Peanut".

First Bumbo seat time!

First "big boy" bath in his tub. Look at that belly!

First stroller ride....he slept most of the time while I walked in the neighborhood.

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Bethany and Eric are engaged! Eric flew in and surprised Bethany on Christmas Day and proposed. We all knew is was happening, but sister was totally surprised! Yay! Her ring is gorgeous and they are so excited! The wedding won't be until June 2009, but that hasn't stopped the planning. So fun..........and I get to be matron of honor. Kind of fun since Devlon will be the best man. I mean, we are responsible for them meeting and falling in love! :) Congrats Sister and Eric!

1mo Growth Pictures

We decided to take his picture monthly with this bear to track his growth. I LOVE the one where he is looking a the bear with a little grin on his face. He is now almost 6 weeks and seems so big! We go back to the pediatrician in a week or so for his 2mo visit. I am anxious to see how much he weighs. He is eating like a champ and his 3mo footed outfits are getting a bit snug at the feet. He is getting more social, looking around and holding his head up. He is getting good at tummy time and starting to enjoy bathtime a bit more. He is not really fond of his pacifier yet, not sure if that will change? He is sleeping well at night.........on average 4 hours at a time. Last night he went 9 hours!!!!! I put him down at 12:30 after nursing him and he didn't stir until around 9:15 this morning. I was in some serious pain, but was well rested! Well, he is fussing in his swing so I should rescue him.
We are loving life with this little man. I didn't know my heart could love a little person this much. It's amazing and we are in total awe of him. Our little family is quite content.

Christmas Pictures

His first tree!

Meemaw giving him lots of love!

Professional Pictures

Here are a few of our professional pictures taken by my cousin Gwen......with Be True Photography ( Love them! He was about 2.5 weeks old in these pictures.