Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Headed for cheese

Devlon and I leave at the CRACK of smack in the morning......6am! We have to be at the airport at 5am, so this girl needs to be up by 3:30ish to get ready. Won't that be fun? We are headed to Wisconsin for a friend's wedding. This friend was an usher in our wedding and now Devlon is returning the favor. We actually fly into St. Paul/Minneapolis and then drive 2 hours or so north to Siren, WI. We acutally land at 10am in St. Paul and then begin the drive.

My poor dad is taking us to the airport.......probably in his PJ's. No person in their right mind should be up at 3:30. Seriously.

We are going with some friends, so that should make it more fun.

Not so fun?
1) That I should probably avoid sleeping on the plane now that I have pregnancy induced snoring. Not to say that I didn't snore before, but I am positive I didn't snore EVERY night!

2) That keeping the A/C cool enough for my pregnant body is sending us to the poor house.

3) That after a long day of being on my feet, I have a slight case of cankles. But, my rings still fit good!

4) That my 12 weeks of maternity leave won't fully be paid so we are trying to save as much as we can.

5) That I need to start looking into childcare options.

6) That the maternity dress I am wearing to the wedding is a black and white paisely print.......and I am sure it makes me look like a dairy cow.

7) That the airport won't let you carry on your own water. Per my OB, I need to drink so much water my pee is the color of water. Buying that much water at the airport will send us to the poor house.

Enough complaining.....I need to pack so I can try to get 5 hours of shut eye!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Nursery and almost 24 week pics

So, this is the nursery.........bare bones and all! As we work on it, I will update with pictures! We are excited to get started, but need to find some free time!

Here is my almost 24 week belly shot. That angle makes me look smaller than I am....or I guess I feel bigger than that picture shows! Mostly, the baby is just sticking my fat out more! :) We go to the OB tomorrow for our 24 week hopefully everything will look good! We are headed to WI this weekend for a wedding and then I think things will slow down to start working on the nursery!

Friday, August 24, 2007

We have paint!

Tracy P was in town last night and brought all her professional tools with her. We picked out paint for the nursery walls and furniture. The walls with be done with a chair rail so the blue will only be on the bottom. It is a near perfect match to the's called Denim. It is a bit darker in person than what shows up online.

For the crib, dresser and changing table we picked this color.........Creamy. It also goes well with the blue, the bedding and what is already on the top half of the walls.

We also potientally picked out some rugs for our formal living room and our bedroom but we need to hold off a while on ordering them......our money is meant to be saved right now! Especially if I am taking 3 months maternity leave!

Fun times, but I am tired! Devlon has been a conference in Fort Worth since Wed, and he comes home tomorrow! I am excited to have him back in our house. Look for some pics from this weekend later..........

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Halfway there.....

I am finally recovered from my weekend in Utah! We had a great time, shopping, eating, swimming, eating, watching movies, eating and just being with the girls! I forget how much I miss them until I get more than just a few hours with them! Somehow, I made it the whole weekend without taking one pictures........I am a bad Aunt!

Well, we are almost 23 weeks. More than halfway there! If I had to guess though, this baby may come a bit early if he keeps measuring ahead by 2 weeks. I am going to start taking belly shots now that it looks more like a pregnant belly and not just fat. I have REALLY started to feel him move this week. He is not much of a morning baby, much like his Mom! :) He is more active around lunch time and into the early evening. Last night Devlon thinks he was able to feel him move for the first time. It's hard for him to know for sure, because he is still small. But I think he'll feel him for sure in the next few weeks.

I haven't had any wierd food cravings.......although the other night a blueberry cake doughnut sounded pretty good. Can't tell you when I last had one of those. Devlon looked at me crazy and said "Where am I going to find a blueberry doughnut at 11pm?". Rest assured I didn't need I didn't send him searching. He really is pretty cute with this baby. I can't wait to see him as a father.

We are looking into childbirth classes and possibly a Daddy Boot Camp for Devlon. Some of my friends at work are preggo also and their hubbys are taking this class and I think it would be great for Devlon. He hasn't been around babies a whole lot and would probably feel more comfortable with more exposure to what is coming.

We have a plan for the nursery, waiting on fabric swatches to decide on paint colors. Now we need to get cracking on unpacking the rest of this house that we have been putting off. :)

Have a great weekend all!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

It's A......


I know, it has been a while since our last post. Truth be told, I am a little burned out of blogging. But, so many exciting things happening I should keep it up!

We went July 30th for our 20 week appointment. My parents and Devlon's parents were able to be in the room when we found out the sex! We are so excited to have a little boy by Christmas! Everything looks healthy with the baby.......all the organs and spine, etc. The femur and head are measuring ahead by almost 2 weeks! OB said not to worry.....probably just because I am tall and Devlon is tall that our baby will be long. Plus, even though Devlon is taller than me, my legs are longer. So it is probably to be expected.

My placenta is pretty low still so we will have another ultrasound at 28 weeks to check placement of the placenta and monitor the growth. My blood pressure was a bit high so I made them redo it after the ultrasound once I knew the baby had all his parts in the right place. It went down almost 20 points so I guess it was just nerves. :)

We go back again in late August for our 24 week check.

We picked out bedding and are trying to figure out how exactly we want the nursery. The bedding is at . I figure we have enough fishing stuff around the house to make the room look really cute. Devlon has all kinds of plans for the room and this little guy so far. We are having a quilt and curtains made out of all of Devlon's old fishing shirts so that will be really cute and unique. I think we are going to use a fishing rod instead of a normal curtain rod. Devlon bought some fish prints in Rockport a few weekends ago and of curse the infamous boat seat will now fit in the house and not look weird. We are planning to use my old Jenny Lind style crib (yes, I checked out all the safety guidelines and it meets all of them) and Devlon's old changing table..........they just need a fresh coat of paint.

We also registered at Babies R Us........quite the adventure. We probably picked out TOO much, but it was fun nonetheless. I am in Utah this weekend visiting Melissa and the girls. Mel and I hit the malls today and I got to buy my first baby boy outfits.........I even found some cute overalls! Gymboree had cute Lobster themed stuff.......Tracy and Josh bought us a shirt from there already but I found swim trunks and a one piece outfit that have lobsters on them so I of course bought them in sizes the baby can hopefully wear during the summers.

Well, we just got back from the pool and the girls are getting out of the tub so I should run. I will TRY to be more diligent about posting especially with fun preggo stories. Have a great weekend.