Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

So far......

So far, this Christmas has proved to be interesting to say the least. Santa was great to all of us and have spent some great time with family. However, we have had a few snafu's this year that will make this one of the more memorable Christmases!!

To start with, Christmas Day after breakfast, we all broke off to take showers and get ready for the day. I had already showered, but Bethany was in the midst of showering. My Dad yells from upstairs for her to get out of the shower right away. The plumbing had backed up and was overflowing the downstairs toilet and into the bathtub. There was "not so pretty" stuff floating in the tub. I know, more than you needed to know! Bethany had to lean over the sink to get all the conditioner out of her hair! We luckily found a plumber who came out and snaked the main sewer line and we have been clog free ever since!

Christmas day proceeded with a trip to the Texas Med Clinic...aka Doc in the Box. I had a sore on my upper thigh that was getting worse and knowing I was going to be in south texas NO WHERE near a doctor for New Years, I wanted to get started on drugs. I was pretty sure it was staph, that is common in those of us that work in a hospital. He gave me drugs, but didn't do anything else. Thanks sister for going with me!

We then spent time with family, had good food, and fun xmas gift exchange!

Woke up on the 26th, the sore had gotten worse and was bigger, red and radiating heat. Dad took me to the ER. We waited from 4-10pm to get back to a room, and then 2 hours in the room, then 1 hour at the pharmacy! Poor Dad had to work today and is mighty tired. Short story is they lanced the sore, which was staph. I have never seen so much blood in my life! It is packed with guaze that my Mom gets to change every night until it heals from the inside out. Good thing my Mom is a nurse. 2 antibiotics and vicodin later, I am a couch potato!

Ahhh, memories. Some day, I'll look back at this and laugh..........just not today! :)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Ok, so it is some early christmas wishes! I am packing as we speak, for a LONG break from work! I fly home tomorrow night (yay!) and will not be back at work until the Wed after New Years! It is always so hard for me to pack........what if it is cold, hot, do I have enough shoes to go with every outfit, do I have lounging outfits, going out outfits, a church outfit, etc etc etc. It goes on and on. I think most girls have this same problem. I just hope we can get it all back home in our car! If not, maybe sister can help bring some stuff since she has to drive thru Dallas.

I am excited about having some time at home. Sister is home from Missouri and I am sure we will find time to shop. I am hoping to sleep in, help Mom cook, and be with the fam. The dogs will be excited to see me too........I am bring them home a present for Christmas.

Well, I am officially signing off the blog until after New Year's...........unless I find some time in SA to blog.

I hope everyone has a blessed holiday, never lose sight of what we are given in life, and celebrate what is to come in the new year. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2005

A Weekend Find!

So Devlon and I braved the mall this past Saturday (totally his idea) for some last minute shopping. It was insane in the membrane, but we did get alot accomplished! We found this lobster ornament at Dillards. Too cute! And for those of you that know what I think about lobsters, it fits perfectly for me and Devlon. It is hanging up on our tree and looking so cute! So that makes 2 ornaments we have to mark our first Christmas together. Many more to come........

Friday, December 16, 2005

5 days and counting

Christmas seems to be coming SO fast this year! I wonder why this year feels different and like I don't really have myself ready for this holiday. I officially only have 5 days left of work until I get to go home!! Those 5 days will be utter chaos........full of special events at the hospital, pulling and wrapping gifts for Santa to deliver to patients on Christmas day, packing, doing Christmas with Devlon's family, and spending time with Devlon. Will be home the night of the 23rd and don't have to be back at work until Jan 3rd! Whoo hoo!

Devlon and I are going to the ranch for New Years.........a tradition for him and his friends. Will be lots of fun, lots of hunting, lots of drinking, etc. The only downside is that I will miss the Cotton Bowl. Hello people! My team is FINALLY playing in Dallas and I won't even be here. Craziness. My last memory of the Cotton Bowl was my freshman year at Tech. We played USC and got creamed. Still have a cup from that blessed event. I went as part of the Goin' Band From Raiderland.......not my most favorite part of college, but hey, it got me there and to Ireland/England and those were memorable trips. I must love this man if I am missing the Cotton Bowl to be around dead deer. He says if it was A&M playing, he would miss the game as well, but somehow I doubt that. Hopefully we can catch it on satellite radio.........

Headed to meet Cheri and her fam for yummy birthday dinner........stay tuned for a relaxing weekend of SLEEP, christmas shopping, and christmas movies!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Don't Move.........I'll Shoot!

So while in Houston this weekend, we made it to an outdoor shooting range for some target practice. Josh bought a new pistol and wanted to try it out. We slowly but surely coaxed Tracy N. into the range, but not with some nervousness! She was a great sport......started out shooting a 380, moved up to a 9mm, and then a revolver. She has great aim! Josh enjoyed giving his pistol a whirl and we all enjoyed shooting Devlon's guns. I still need to work on my aim. It was cool to be in a outdoor range, but we managed to kill 2 hours easy! Josh was proud of his Tracy!

Christmas Party

At my work Christmas party..........

Friday, December 09, 2005


So Devlon and I are hitting the road in the morning for Houston. We spent tonight at a work Christmas party. Fun in a weird kinda way. It was different this year, several departments getting together instead of just the child life department. Food was good, open bar was better! We snuck out during the orange passing game. You know, the one where you pass the orange from neck to neck down a line without dropping it? Yes, you read that right! There was also some electric slide and musical chairs. Devlon was a sport for going with me. When the boss pays for the ticket, you kind of feel obligated to go. It was nice to see everyone outside of work, dressed up a bit and not so "worky". Does that make any sense?

Expecting to help some of Devlon's friends tear out their kitchen counter tops tomorrow and then visit with Josh & Tracy on Sunday. We are going to do lunch and then visit a shooting range. Josh just got a new pistol and I think Tracy N. is going to shoot with us! Fun times!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Snow Day

So Dallas is facing some "inclement weather" right now, consisting of light rain, freezing temps, and ice. We had a pow-pow at work and since we are considered "non-essential" employees, we got a ticket home! Of course we are expected to make up the hours, but much better that than being stressed driving home tonight!

So the whole "non-essential" label kind of sucks. I would like to think my job is essential, but in the hospital world you are not essential unless you are a doctor, nurse, respiratory therapist or clinical tech. Everyone else doesn't play in to the equation. My staff understood why I was getting to go home, but it doesn't seem fair to leave them all there to handle everything while I sit at home in my Pj's, sipping hot cocoa, and watching a movie on the couch!

Tomorrow is my day off work, planning to do some Christmas shopping provided the roads are clear and safe. I have most everyone's present.........but a few (including Devlon's) are looming over my head. I have even gotten most of my wrapping done so far. I have to get everything ready to send home with Sister when she drives down from Missouri for Christmas break. I am flying home on the 23rd after work and will have too many presents to take on the plane! Busy busy.

I hoping everyone is taking the time to enjoy the lights, music, smells and joy this month brings.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The final product.....

So here is our tree, complete with my ornaments and a tree skirt. There is definitely some room for more ornaments, but I guess we will add those through the years. It has been a long time since I put up a full size tree, so I don't have enough ornaments myself to complete a tree. Most of my ornaments are from my parents tree that my Mom let us go through last year and pick out. I have gathered a few here and there as gifts and such, but looking forward to getting more in the future.

I spent most of Saturday looking for the elusive tree skirt. I didn't know it was going to be so difficult to find! Devlon likes more of the Burgundy color (imagine that), and I like more of the evergreen/Christmas red, so I felt like this was the best combo. It is velvet and satin and obviously has many colors. It also seems small, but most of the tree skirts I looked at were a standard 48 inches. My Mom says it is supposed to be that small. Maybe one of these days I will have one made, when I find the perfect fabric. Maybe a rich Christmas tapestry? My Mom made our tree skirt that we had growing up, but I have never gotten the sewing bug. Maybe I should.

I like the one I found, and it will hold us for a while. Tonight we are going to put lights in the bushes and maybe some on the house. I am slowly but surely working on my gifts..........

Hope everyone had a restful weekend..........from here on out it should be chaos! :)

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Taken from Mrsg

a one and a two

2 names you go by-Tracy and TP (at work)
2 parts of your heritage - English and Irish (I think)
2 of your everyday essentials- a shower and lotion
2 of youfavoritete bands or musical artists - Don Williams & Pat Green
2 things you want in a relationship (other than real love) - honesty and loyalty
2 physical things that appeal to you (in the opposite sex) - Body type and smile
2 of your favorite hobbies - shopping and movies
2 things you want really badly - a house and to get married! (in the proper time of course)
2 places you want to go on vacation - Fiji and Hawaii
2 things you want to do before you die - have a family and travel to exotic places
2 ways that you are stereotypically a chick - Baking and makeup
2 things you are thinking about now - folding clothes and seeing Devlon tonight
2 stores you shop at - Target and Old Navy