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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Headed for cheese

Devlon and I leave at the CRACK of smack in the morning......6am! We have to be at the airport at 5am, so this girl needs to be up by 3:30ish to get ready. Won't that be fun? We are headed to Wisconsin for a friend's wedding. This friend was an usher in our wedding and now Devlon is returning the favor. We actually fly into St. Paul/Minneapolis and then drive 2 hours or so north to Siren, WI. We acutally land at 10am in St. Paul and then begin the drive.

My poor dad is taking us to the airport.......probably in his PJ's. No person in their right mind should be up at 3:30. Seriously.

We are going with some friends, so that should make it more fun.

Not so fun?
1) That I should probably avoid sleeping on the plane now that I have pregnancy induced snoring. Not to say that I didn't snore before, but I am positive I didn't snore EVERY night!

2) That keeping the A/C cool enough for my pregnant body is sending us to the poor house.

3) That after a long day of being on my feet, I have a slight case of cankles. But, my rings still fit good!

4) That my 12 weeks of maternity leave won't fully be paid so we are trying to save as much as we can.

5) That I need to start looking into childcare options.

6) That the maternity dress I am wearing to the wedding is a black and white paisely print.......and I am sure it makes me look like a dairy cow.

7) That the airport won't let you carry on your own water. Per my OB, I need to drink so much water my pee is the color of water. Buying that much water at the airport will send us to the poor house.

Enough complaining.....I need to pack so I can try to get 5 hours of shut eye!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn- that was funny! :) Have a great time- and eat lots of cheese... Oh yeah- and welcome to the poor house! At least you have company (us!). :)
PS My maternity leave was only paid at 60% for 6 weeks- then nada for the other 6 weeks. Well, and then I quit my job so it was really nada! Don't stress- there is always a way...God will provide, have faith!

12:09 AM  
Blogger Mel :-) said...

Hee hee, you are funny! Hope you had a good weekend! If I lived in SA I would watch the baby for you!! :-)
We will have to catch up soon, I will call this week!

12:05 PM  

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