Throw up much?
I know, that sounds gross! But, I thought for sure by being in the 2nd trimester I would be done with the throwing up. Guess Baby H has other plans! So far I have thrown up a few times since being in the 2nd trimester, one being thie past Thursday on my way to work. Not sure what set me off. Ironically, I had just taken all the throw up accessories (large cup, extra napkins, etc) out of my car. Not fun. I will be 18 weeks on Monday. Don't think I have felt the baby move much yet, but I think it is hard to tell with your first. We got our blood results back for the quad screen....normal! Devlon and I made a trip to Babies R Us just to get a feel for things. We didn't want to be overwhelmed when we went to go register. SO MANY CHOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you pros out there, what baby products are must haves (besides the standard car seats, etc) and what products are not worth the money? So far I have heard that wipe warmers aren't worth the money and have gotten mixed reviews on diaper genie and other diaper systems. Feedback please!!
I am helping my Meemaw pack today......she is moving to assisted living next weekend. I am flying to Dallas Sunday for a funeral of one of my good friends please keep my friend in your prayers. Other than that, I need to find something to wear to the funeral and run a bunch of errands before I fly out tomorrow. Looking forward to my trip to UTAH in early August to see Mel and the girls. We will know what we are having by then so I am sure we will be shopping fools!
Hmmm...that is crazy! It makes me think EVEN more that it is a boy! :-)
Essential- bouncy seat!! You will find that it is a great way to be able to shower without waiting until naptime; just bring the bouncy seat into the bathroom! Wipe warmers- no not essential and they dry out the wipes. I liked the diaper Genie until it was time to empty/refill it- YUCK! Nothing like poop stench that has had a few days to fester!!! (sorry that was quite gross!!)
Hope it goes well today with the packing, tell Meemaw I said hello!
Can't wait for your trip up! Only 3 weeks and 5 days til you get here!! :-D
Hey Tracy!
One essential item I can think of is are the disposable changing pads. I kept them all over the place. You never know when or where you are going to have to change a diaper. Getting baby poo on the backseat of your car sucks bad. Also, the "functional" changing stations in most bathrooms are horribly disgusting. Disposibale changing pads are perfect for that too. I can't remember the brand I used to buy, but those suckers are huge and so handy.
Giiirrrllllll....Let me help you register! So many things you don't NEED but they make life easier! A boppy or a mom's breastfriend pillow for nursing....A bouncy seat (One with lights and fun- the little cradle types don't entertain for long) A swing- We have the baby Papasan and could not live without it! It is perfect for a newborn and lasts for months...You can borrow my breast pump if you want- they are like $400 and I never used it! You can just buy replacement tubing.....Gripewater- a must! Baby's Bliss brand- order from monitor....A fun mobile- not just a cute one, one that will entertain.... We used the wipe warmer with Cam but not with Landon. You can have ours and see if you like it or not....I even have replacement pillows for it.....Diaper cream, gas drops, a rectal thermometer, alchol sawps- ahhh crap I'll just get all that stuff for you! :) A "johnny jumper" (you can borrow that too if you want!) I like the diaper genie when their poop starts to stink (when they start with food..The new Bumbo is fun...The stroller carseat combo- we bought a Graco MetroLite. So easy and light that I could close it and lift it into the trunk with one hand while holding the baby. That is IMPORTANT! I could go on and on...Rob says "A shit load of diapers!"
Oh! That Gwen!! I think that what she said is on the mark, but you must add to that pallets for Baby H to roll around on the floor, too. Don't worry, Dandy will contribute. Hang in there, I threw up the entire 9 months with Jessica. It was bad!!!!!!!!!
And burp cloths. 100s of them. Leave them laying all around the house cuz the kid will throw up all the time!!!
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