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Monday, November 20, 2006

Cautiously Optimistic

Today we got news that there is an offer on Devlon's house!! It is for $2,000 more than the asking price........but we had to drop the price a bit a while back so the offer is in between our original price and the new lowered price. Devlon is supposed to sign the offer tomorrow and it will be "under contract". The only bummer is they want the appliances (washer & dryer and Refrig), but that might be why they offered $2,000 over. Regardless, we decided it would probably be best to accept and get that house sold rather than sit on if for longer over appliances! So, if all goes well we are hoping to close before Christmas!! Devlon will make some decent money on it so we are excited! Yay!!

Headed home tomorrow night for Turkey Day in SA!


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