OK, so today is the big day. The big 30! I can never say that I am still in my 20's anymore.
I took a moment last night to reflect on the last year in my 20's and what I have to look forward to as a 30 year old (YIKES!). Here is what I came up with.............
I have an amazing family who I love dearly.
I have wonderful and supportive friends, who make me laugh everyday and listen to me complain when necessary. They are all over the place...in Dallas, in San Antonio, in Austin, in Oklahoma, in Chicago, in Alaska, in Houston, in Missouri, etc.
I met an amazing man, who I love with all my heart. I can't wait to see what this next year brings for us.
I have a great job, that I love going to everyday (well, most days!).
I make enough to pay my mortgage, clothe my body, feed my mouth (though I could slow down a bit on that), pay my bills, and live comfortably.
I have taken several fun trips this year.
My health is overall in good shape.
I am blessed with children in my life that I love dearly....Brooke, Becca, Camaryn, Riley, Colton, Tyler...looking forward to new children joining in! (hint hint Larry & Cheri, Josh & Tracy)
I have experienced weddings of friends and family, and looking forward to my brother's wedding in April.
I am lucky to be alive in this wonderful country, with freedom to vote, to live, to worship God, and to be able to wake up everyday feeling safe because of the men & women serving our country right now in the Middle East.
That about sums it up............I guess being 30 isn't as bad as it sounds!