Conference Mania
This weekend (beginning on Wednesday) has been absolute madness. Our national conference for my profession was this weekend in Dallas (Child Life Council National Conference) and my hospital was the "host" hospital. Translation: we all had MAJOR work to do to pull this conference off. There were more than 800 people at the conference this weekend. I was in charge of volunteer recrutiment, assignment and overseeing them. This is a task I have been working on for several months. I also presented to about 150 people with a co-worker. So, here is the breakdown:
Wednesday: arrive at hotel by 3:00, left at 6:00pm
Thursday: arrive at hotel by 7:15, left at 6:30pm
Friday: arrive at hotel by 7:15, left at 6:00pm
Saturday: arrive at hotel by 7:45, left at 5:30pm
Sunday: arrive at hotel by 8:00, left at 1:45pm
Fri-Sun was full of sessions, meetings, networking, etc. Wed & Thurs were full of set-up and preparations. I was run down tired!!! I got to see many old friends (old roomate, old interns, old co-workers). My presentation was great!! I am so glad the whole weekend is OVER!
Josh and Tracy were here Saturday was great to hang out with the newlyweds! Cheri came over too and Devlon made us a yummy dinner. I napped this afternoon and am headed to bed SOON! Sorry to all my friends who I haven't called in many'll be hearing from me soon and often now! :)
I am off work tomorrow with many errands to to hang, and chores to do! Happy Memorial Day!