Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Conference Mania

This weekend (beginning on Wednesday) has been absolute madness. Our national conference for my profession was this weekend in Dallas (Child Life Council National Conference) and my hospital was the "host" hospital. Translation: we all had MAJOR work to do to pull this conference off. There were more than 800 people at the conference this weekend. I was in charge of volunteer recrutiment, assignment and overseeing them. This is a task I have been working on for several months. I also presented to about 150 people with a co-worker. So, here is the breakdown:

Wednesday: arrive at hotel by 3:00, left at 6:00pm
Thursday: arrive at hotel by 7:15, left at 6:30pm
Friday: arrive at hotel by 7:15, left at 6:00pm
Saturday: arrive at hotel by 7:45, left at 5:30pm
Sunday: arrive at hotel by 8:00, left at 1:45pm

Fri-Sun was full of sessions, meetings, networking, etc. Wed & Thurs were full of set-up and preparations. I was run down tired!!! I got to see many old friends (old roomate, old interns, old co-workers). My presentation was great!! I am so glad the whole weekend is OVER!

Josh and Tracy were here Saturday was great to hang out with the newlyweds! Cheri came over too and Devlon made us a yummy dinner. I napped this afternoon and am headed to bed SOON! Sorry to all my friends who I haven't called in many'll be hearing from me soon and often now! :)

I am off work tomorrow with many errands to to hang, and chores to do! Happy Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I officially closed on my condo yesterday morning. I turned the keys over and signed all the paperwork! It feels good, but I was a bit sad turning over the keys. I loved my little condo........but I love my new living situation MUCH better! :)

On another note.......I paid off my credit card this morning! Next is my car (just 5 payments left) and my Home Dept card! On my way to debt free! :)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Honey!

Today is Devlon's 34th birthday!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Honey (aka: Devlon)
Happy Birthday to you!

Just wanted to say happy birthday to my honey!! I love you and can't wait to celebrate a lifetime of birthdays with you!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

River Trip '06

We are back from a wild weekend on the Frio! Devlon and his friends (about 7 couples total) do an annual river trip to the Frio. We had alot of fun! We floated on Friday.....the water was low but when our butts dragged the drunk men were there to pull us. Friday night we sat around and talked, cooked, the boys played horseshoes and ball busters, and we drank.

Saturday I got up and headed to San Antonio to help my Meemaw celebrate her 90th birthday (pictures to come later) at her church with alot of her friends and family. It was nice to see her the center of attention! While I was in SA the gang floated again, I made it back to the river right as they were finishing their float. Saturday night was everything we did Friday night, just with more alcohol! We also celebrated Devlon's 34th birthday with his friends! I felt like I was back in college. Good thing none of us were driving!

Sunday we headed back to big D after a yummy lunch in D'Hanis with the gang. I am now home, Devlon is already in bed (has been since about 8:00pm) and I am not far from hitting the sack myself. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

PS- I know the date is wrong on the pictures.......I guess that is what results from a too much drinking and a camera with new batteries! :)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

More Delays

Yep, you read that right. Another delay on my closing. It is really starting to stress me out! They STILL don't have all the paperwork from the buyer's loan company. I am going out of town this weekend (leave tonight for the river!) so closing has been bumped to next Tuesday. Monday I have a training all day at work I can't leave. Cross you fingers this will happen and my condo will be sold by Tuesday! So........until then!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


There is a slight delay in my closing. Apparently the buyer switched lenders kinda late in the process (a common occurance) so all the paperwork isn't at the title company just yet. Let's hope it arrives tomorrow so I can close on Thursday......otherwise it will be even more delayed, until next Tuesday! (Devlon and I are going out of town this weekend, leaving Thurs night and then I have a training all day at work on Monday). Dramas, but I guess it could be worse, so I am lucky this is all that has gone wrong with the selling/closing process!

Sunday, May 14, 2006


This has been a crazy other words to describe it!

Friday: My parents made it here my Mom's new car! It is super nice!

Saturday: We got up early, Devlon made everyone breakfast and we headed to my condo. The movers were supposed to be there between 9-10am. We took all the nails out of the walls, vacuumed rooms and got everything in order for the movers (ie: disassembled bedframes, etc). The movers called right before 9am to say they were running late from an overflow job from Friday night. They would be at my house between 12-1pm. Devlon went to an appointment, so my Dad and I cruised Central Market for a while. We headed back to the house and waited. And waited. And waited some more! Devlon called a little before 12pm to confirm we were still expecting movers between 12-1pm. No answer, he left a message. 1:10, I start calling. No answer. I leave a message. 2:30 we realize there are NO movers coming. No one was answering the phone at the moving company. We were stood up! I was PISSED! This was a company that rated VERY high on (like 91%) which is why I picked them. We frantically started calling U-haul and other movers, hoping someone was available "last minute". Long story short, we found a crew for first thing Sunday morning. We headed home, ate dinner and visited with Devlon's parents.

Sunday: Movers come, they were GREAT! I would recommend them to ANYONE. They had the truck unloaded by 10:30 and we started arranging furniture. It is still not perfect, but it's coming along. My parents were a great help...........Thanks Mom & Dad!! We then made lunch for Mother's Day.........Devlon's parents, brother & wife, Grandaddy, plus my parents and Meemaw chowed down. Then my parents headed back to SA.

We still need to figure out where pictures are going on the walls and prepare for a massive garage sale. What is scary, is that we are already in a 3 bedroom decent sized house and we are busting at the seams. What happens when we have a baby?? Anyways, I am so happy to have all my stuff here! I am going by my condo tomorrow to tell it goodbye. Then I close on Wednesday! I'll try to post pics of the "new" living arrangements soon!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Few Oklahoma Pictures....

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Weekend.........a little late!

I had a GREAT time in OK with Mel and the girls. It is always so fun to see Mel and of course love on the girls. No matter how much time passess, Mel and I seem to pick up as if no time has passed. I guess that is the beauty of a 25+ year friendship!

I got there Friday and we headed to lunch with Becca. Then off to pick up Brooke from school and then Becca had a Dr appointment. The rest of the weekend was spent eating, shopping, playing with the girls, chatting, relaxing and just enjoying each other's company.

I just LOVE Brooke and Becca. They are so cute and so sweet! I can't get over how much they have grown. I love that they let me love them and be such a important part of their lives. Brooke wanted to play all weekend, Becca was a happy girl and they were sad when I left. Brooke was watching me pack and told me she was going to miss me! She then told me that she didn't want me to go home! So sweet..............

Anyways, I had a blast and was so glad to get a long weekend with them before the big move to Utah. It has been nice having them so close. On my drive home I thought about how far they were going to be and it made me so sad! Thank God for airplanes..........I already told them to prepare for several visits from me!!

I have pics to post, but this moving crap and not being settled in kinking my style! I'll try to get them uploaded soon.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I am heading off to the great state (NOT) of Oklahoma tommorow! I am headed to spend a girl's weekend with Mel and the girls. I am SO excited...........

Closing still looks good..........I booked movers and have made a trip with a few more boxes. It's almost here! :)

We are having Devlon's carpet cleaned before I move in all my stuff. I'm just ready to be in the house with all my stuff!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Option Period..........

My option period on my condo expired last night at midnight! We haven't heard anything from the buyer, which is good! No news is good news! So my condo is officially under contract.

My close date is scheduled for Wednesday May 17th and all I have to take with me is my keys!

Then the fun begins..........moving ALL my furniture into Devlon's house. Hope he is ready! :)

I am going to Oklahoma later this week (Fri-Mon) to see Melissa and the girls one final time before they move to Utah. I'm excited.......Mel, you better be planning all the fun stuff for us to do! (ie: Shopping, Ted's, Rusty's) and Brooke wants to make cookies! Can't wait!