I swear......I am alive! I haven't found the time to sit down and blog, and everytime I do, I realize I left my camera at Devlon's........so I don't have any updated pics to post yet. Hoping to post some next week for sure. All has been well...........my leg is healing nicely. I have been off the antibiotics for a while now. The wound is still "open", not really draining anymore, but it hasn't closed yet. I am able to just pack it a little bit......enough to keep it open. Maybe this weekend it will close up. Devlon has been GREAT at helping me take care of it, not being grossed out by my staph and the lovely place it manifested on my body. Fun times......guess he does love me :)
We had a great New Years. We went to Rancho La-Fe (aka "The Ranch")........some land that one of his best friend's family owns. We were in WAY south texas......south of Falfurrias.......4 hours south of San Antonio on 281. Yep, almost to Mexico. So much so that Border patrol was on their property daily looking for immigrants. It was HOT, like 90 degrees, but mucho fun. It was great to see Devlon in his element......with his friends, hunting and relaxing. We rung in the new year with a round of gunfire at midnight, a champagne toast, and then hit the sack for a morning hunt.
We got there Friday night late.....pretty much got settled it, visited and hit the sack. Devlon got up early to hunt with the guys. The girls slept in, got up late and cooked them breakfast. That afternoon, I went to the blind with Devlon. We only saw a few deer, none he could shoot. He shot a buck the morning after new years.......of course I didn't get up to go with him. I watched him clean it and pack it on ice. That afternoon I went with him again to hunt and he shot a pig! I wanted to name it but he said no! I named his buck "Bucky" and as we vacuum sealed the meat I labeled the loin "the fruit of bucky's loins" :)
We also set coyote traps, fed the cattle, drank some beer, relaxed and helped around the ranch (well.......the guys did all the hard work, we just cooked and made sure they had cold beer). We headed back to San Antonio and then back to big D.
Devlon's parents made a trip to SA to have dinner with my parents during the Christmas break. My Mom cooked a YUMMY meal and we had a couple hours of visiting. My Dad had already met his family, but my Mom hadn't........so it was a great opportunity for the future in-laws to visit.
Other news.......heading to Houston this weekend to tile a friend's kitched and visit Josh & Tracy, then to Oklahoma the following weekend. So excited to see Melissa and "my girls". Devlon will make another trip to the ranch and try for a doe or two while I am in Oklahoma.
That is all I've got in me! Look for pics soon.........hope all is well!