I guess I left off last at around 28 weeks. So, at 29 weeks we had the long awaited 3-D growth scan. The boy is healthy, but was measuring almost 34 weeks and my
amniotic fluid level was high. They were estimating him to be 41/2 pounds. The Maternal Fetal
Medicince Specialist (
MFM) wanted to me to be re-tested for diabetes. So I did the 3 hour
GTT at 29 weeks and it was normal. So we get to 32 weeks and go back to the
MFM for another growth scan. He was still measuring almost 4 weeks ahead and my fluid level was higher, so he wanted me to get tested for gestational diabetes AGAIN. They were estimating his weight to be 6lbs 1oz. So I go at 32 weeks for another 3 hour
GTT and lo an behold it is positive. So, I have the GD. Not the end of the world but still not fun. So, that Thursday we went to a diabetic education class and started insulin. We were both very overwhelmed..........trying to learn the diet and what foods to eat, how to count everything, etc. There were some tears shed and lots of
frustration! My
MFM is a diabetes fanatic so he is VERY strict and to the tee. My menu plan is unreal.
So we start to get the GD menu and food down, figure out how to make it work in our lives. I started taking iron supplements since my iron was low on a routine CBC. This past weekend I started to feel sick but brushed it off to the GD stuff. Gagging on food, sometimes throwing up, low grade temp. Not quite myself but didn't feel completely awful. Monday we went to the OB, everything looked and sounded good. She mentioned that my
WBC was a bit elevated from that routine CBC, but didn't seem concerned. I mentioned the not quite feeling right, etc and she said "Drink more water" which is her answer to everything! Anyways, long story short. Went home sick last Monday from work with a 101 fever. Decided to come to the hospital to get everything checked out just to be safe. Ended up being admitted on Tuesday night and was discharged Friday morning. 5
bags of IV fluids, 3 doses of baby friendly
antibiotics, lots of blood work and constant monitoring of the baby. Good news was the baby looks great and is happy as a little lark up in my belly. No signs of an arrival anytime soon. Bad news was I had an e-
coli infection and gastritis. So, I am now on suppressant antibiotic therapy and resting this weekend before going back to work.
We go on Monday for a 35 week growth scan and anticipate kinda sorta making an induction date. They are not going to let me go to 40 weeks because he is so big. They would like me to get to 38 weeks. I am going to the
MFM every week for a check up on the GD, a non-stress test and a biophysical profile. I start this next week going every week to the regular OB to be checked for progress, etc. He will be here sooner than we think! I have turned into a bit of a high risk pregnancy I guess.
In other news, we have had tons of wonderful showers from friends and family. We are very blessed and this baby is already loved SO much! I have been washing clothes an blankets and
Devlon has been putting everything together. The nursery is 99% complete! We are just waiting on
curtains and a quilt that his Mom is working on. The room looks GREAT! I will post pics in the next couple of days.
So that is our update! Still no name though for the little man. I am off to write thank you notes that I am VERY behind on. Have a great weekend!