Around the corner.......
Well, Baby H has dropped into the birth canal. Trust me, I can feel it! All that extra pressure on my bladder is no fun..........I am up now almost 4 times a night to go to the bathroom. I am also dilated 1cm. No big deal, but it does mean that I will likely be able to be induced instead of go straight to C-section! Yay!
I am tentatively scheduled Tues Nov 27th to have this baby. I will be 37 weeks and 1 day. Of course, this depends on the results of the amnio which we do Mon Nov 26th. Still hoping to see good lung values.
We are also hoping to get an estimated fetal weight with the amnio so my OB can make a decision about whether or not I will be able to push this big guy out. I think the plan is to let me try, and if he is too big, gets stressed or I don't progress then we will have a c-section. Hopefully my hips and pelvis can handle him!
That's it for now........please keep praying!
That's great news - well, except for the 4 times a night part - I can totally relate! Hopefully all will go well and you'll have your happy healthy baby by December!
Wow, I had lots to catch up on!! It sounds like Baby Boy is getting ready to make his appearance!! I know y'all are SO excited to meet him!! I will call you tomorrow to catch up! Thanks again for going to the E. sale!!
WELL???? I am waiting for some news!!!!! :-D
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