Pregnancy Stats
Hi know most people are curious about random parts of pregnancy. I thought I would jot some down of mine for you to see!
Current weight gain: 6.5lbs (keep in mind I was SICK for 1 week and then the GD diet made me lose some weight).
Main preggo worry in the beginning: high blood pressure and preeclampsia
Main preggo worry now: healthy lungs and his size, and the GD
Most emotional thing about the pregnancy: trying to decide on a name and feeling him inside me
Oddest discovery: stretch marks on the most random part of my belly
Cravings: blueberry cake doughnuts, which I can't even have!
Snoring: Yes
Sleeping well: not so much
Morning Sickness: alot in the beginning, 2-4 times in 2nd trimester. And yes, it involved lots of throwing up
Temp control: Hot all the time
Nesting: yes, in full swing
Waddling: yes! Devlon laughs at me when I am walking/waddling.
Swelling: mostly in ankles at the end of the day. Still can wear my wedding rings.
Biggest worry after he is here: Breastfeeding, financial worry until I go back to work, knowing what to do with him, keeping up with the house and taking care of him, Devlon and I managing together as parents, instead of just husband and wife.
That's all I can think of! Enjoy
Thanks for sharing. I am sure you cannot wait to meet him. I know you and Devlon will be great parents. Good luck with the delivery and I pray that all is well with both of you.Happy Thanksgiving!
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Shhot- that was me! GWEN!
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