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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Throw up much?

I know, that sounds gross! But, I thought for sure by being in the 2nd trimester I would be done with the throwing up. Guess Baby H has other plans! So far I have thrown up a few times since being in the 2nd trimester, one being thie past Thursday on my way to work. Not sure what set me off. Ironically, I had just taken all the throw up accessories (large cup, extra napkins, etc) out of my car. Not fun. I will be 18 weeks on Monday. Don't think I have felt the baby move much yet, but I think it is hard to tell with your first. We got our blood results back for the quad screen....normal! Devlon and I made a trip to Babies R Us just to get a feel for things. We didn't want to be overwhelmed when we went to go register. SO MANY CHOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you pros out there, what baby products are must haves (besides the standard car seats, etc) and what products are not worth the money? So far I have heard that wipe warmers aren't worth the money and have gotten mixed reviews on diaper genie and other diaper systems. Feedback please!!

I am helping my Meemaw pack today......she is moving to assisted living next weekend. I am flying to Dallas Sunday for a funeral of one of my good friends please keep my friend in your prayers. Other than that, I need to find something to wear to the funeral and run a bunch of errands before I fly out tomorrow. Looking forward to my trip to UTAH in early August to see Mel and the girls. We will know what we are having by then so I am sure we will be shopping fools!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

16 week OB appointment

So on Tuesday we went to the OB for our 16 week appointment. All checked out well. We heard the baby's heartbeat which was about 150 beats a minute. OB said my blood pressure was fine. I hadn't gained any weight since the last visit. My urine had traces of sugar which my OB attributed the bowl of golden grahams I had for breakfast. So, at the next appointment I will try eating less sugar for breakfast and see if that makes a difference with the sugar. We go back July 30th for our 20 week we hopefully will know what it is and see that everything looks healthy. We would appreciate prayers for that!!

Other than that I am feeling better. I did throw up once this week......but Devlon was marinating HUGE brisket in the fridge and the smell of the raw meat and spices got the best of me. Most foods are much more tolerable. I am still able to wear my stretchy clothes but I did order a few maternity things online this past week. I feel good but I feel like I am getting uncomfortably bigger. I am still sleeping OK. All in all it has been good so far!!

Will keep you all posted about the baby's sex. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend!!!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Baby updates

I am going to try to be more viligant about keeping you all up to date on the baby progress. I am going to try and do weekly highlights to talk about what is going on with the pregnancy and baby. We will be 16 weeks on Monday! We go to the OB on Tuesday July 3rd, so look for a post after that. At that appt. we will doing the triple screen bloodwork and hear the heartbeat again. At week 20, we will know if we should buy pink or blue!!!

This past week we were 15 weeks. Our baby is roughly the size of a softball. My nausea is mostly gone as is the throwing up. Sometimes smells still get to me, but overall I am much more adjusting to food and smells. I have officially grown out of all my fitted pants.....but my stretchy pants and scrubs still fit. Tops are still OK but I am sure that will soon change. No significant food aversions or cravings, but I still can't eat whole chicken breasts. If the chicken is prepared another way, it is usually fine. I am trying to be good about food and make sure I get all my calcium, etc. I am still doing no caffine or artificial sweetners.

I went to a maternity store last night and it was depressing trying on clothes. Worst of all, I need a swimsuit. SCARY thought! We are going to Rockport at the end of July for a family reunion and I am positive I won't be able to get into my swimsuits I took on the honeymoon. Maternity suits all look like tents..........especially the ones I need!

Anyways....that is all I have! Will post after the OB appointment on Tuesday. Also just to warn everyone that we are not sharing the baby's name with anyone once we find out it if is a boy or girl........we want something to be a surprise! :)