Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 21, 2008

6 months

Wow. My baby is already 6 months! Well, almost 7 months by now. But again, I am so behind in blogging! 6 months was a busy month for us. We went for his check up and his stats were:
19lbs (80th percentile)
28 inches (95th percentile)

We were given the go ahead to try meats......but we haven't done it yet. He is loving organic rice cereal & oatmeal and all sorts of fruits & veggies. We are trying to stick to mostly organic stuff. I am going to start making his food so that should be interesting. So far he loves peas, apples, sweet taters, green beans, pears, peaches, squash & prunes. We are still introducing a few things....he liked carrots but the seemed to upset his tummy so we will give them a break. He doesn't seem to like avocados, but we will try again. We will add bananas soon....along with some more exotic things (blueberries, apriocts, spinach, etc). He sure likes to eat! We are working on the sippy cup.....he doesn't quite have the hang of it yet. Of course there are only a few sippy cups that are BPA free (the new rage) so we are only trying those for now.

Other big milestones......he is sitting independently....he has for a while now. We have been swimming at Pops & Gigi's pool many times......he likes to hang out in the float, but hasn't been to keen on putting his head under water. He is teething, but none have popped thru just yet. He is still sleeping like a champ.....from about 8pm-6:30am consistently. Occasionally he wakes up and we just give him the paci and he typically falls back asleep.

We had our first sickness that required antibiotics. He had a viral upper respiratory infection that led to an ear infection. His coughing was TERRIBLE and I had to sleep with him one night just to keep him asleep and calm. We are on the tail end of that. He was a pretty happy boy through out it, so that was a blessing.

Another sad milestone for his 6th month was my Meemaw passing away. She was an amazing person and I am so glad she got to meet Cass and spoil him rotten during the short time she had with him.

We have been busy with family visiting, family reunions, Father's Day, weddings and the other ins and outs of daily life (work, dishes, laundry, etc). I'll get some pics up tomorrow. I am headed to a bridal show with my Mom and that should be fun! Good night! :)