Better late then never!
So.........Devlon can't find his software for his camera so I can't post any pics from the Hogue Reception. It was alot of fun and it was nice to finally meet all of Devlon's extended family. The bride & groom looked great and the ambiance was nice. The band was amazing!!!
This week has not been all that exciting. Work work and today was my day off. I got contacts last's amazing that I can see street signs now! It has taken some getting used to.......they are the kind you can leave in your eyes for 30 days.....sleep, shower, etc in them. They have come out a few times when I am taking off my eye make-up, I have to remember I can't rub my eyes like before, and one morning the left one popped our while I was loading the dryer! I might still choose to take them out every night.....I haven't decided.
Today I ran to Sam Moon to scope out bridesmaids jewelry. Didn't find much. Got my oil changed, ran to the store and the biggest surprise.....picked up the bridesmaids dresses! I went in to try and get a fabric swatch and the dresses were there! So, that is one thing taken care of! We got our house ready for Halloween and the fall.......complete with pumpkins on the front porch.
I'm spending much of my spare time surfing the web looking at bridal shoes, engagement pics, purses, etc. We have a birthday party in Rockwall this weekend for Mazie & Maddoc.....two of Devlon's friends kids. Mazie is one of our flower girls! Should be fun..........and we MUST work on the house! :) It never ends.....
When can we expect to see the engagement pics?? I am anxious!
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