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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday stuff.....

Not much to report here. We had a rough night last night. Cass has a lingering cough from his sickness. Combined with drooling (we think he is teething), he was coughing all night. Most of the time he sleeps thru it, but last night it woke him up several times. All but once, we could go in, give him the paci back and pat his belly and he went back to sleep. At 1:30, I gave in a fed him hoping the milk would help his cough/throat. At 6:30, I fed him again and then we dozed in my bed until 9:30 or so. The cough doesn't seem to bother him, he is all smiles this morning.

So, I started weight watchers a month ago with my Mom. Since I had already lost 30lbs after having Cass (I was at my pre-preggo weight when he was born, so the 30lbs was a bonus!) I figure it is a good time to keep it coming off. Especially since I am nursing. So, as of today's weigh-in I have lost 13lbs. It's actually pretty easy since I have 10 extra nursing points. I told Devlon I was going to nurse Cass until he was 5yrs if it meant extra points to eat! Devlon said no way. I also figure/hope that by losing more before baby #2, maybe my chances of having the dreaded GD (gestational diabetes) will minimize. We shall see..........

On the homefront, we have a family of opossums living under our deck. It freaks me out. I won't take Louie (oh yeah, we got a dog! Will post pics of him soon) out at night. Devlon "got rid" of one of the babies when it was digging in our flower beds last week. Last night another baby came up on the deck while we had music going and lights on. I am paranoid one will get in the house (we often leave our back door open, especially when the weather is nice) or it will run into my feet/leg. We need to get rid of them totally. I don't like the idea of Cass playing in the backyard with those things nearby.

Well, Cass is down for a nap. I should go shower and clean the house. I have to work tomorrow (yuck) so today is my only free day. Have a great one.


Blogger Katy said...

Congrats on the weight loss! Sound like nursing is going great! I am sure that is a relief. I have to agree the opossum's must go!!

6:44 PM  
Blogger Mel :-) said...

Great job on the weight loss! That is awesome! :-) Sounds like Cass is doing great, he is so adorable- I can't wait to meet him! I am gonna try to to make that happen ASAP! I will just say ICK on the opossums!!! :-o
I will call soon, tomorrow probably!

9:44 AM  

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